Weave At Home | How to care for your Get Glam'd Hair

Get Glam’d Hair Salon & Store sells a variety of human hair extensions. We recommend you seal the wefts with FrayCheck prior to use to prevent shedding. If service requires cutting the wefts, you will experience minimal shedding at the site of cuts. We recommend you maintain your extensions using sulfate free products. Please co-wash all human hair products prior to use to rinse away pesticides and debris from shipping. Given that all products are virgin human hair, don’t be surprised if it acts as human hair acts. Just like your hair, ends will split or break with poor attention. Hair that is no longer attached to scalp requires intense moisture, so we recommend conditioning and moisture treatments regularly. Please do not scrub extensions, gently massage products through the hairs and comb with a shampoo brush. While washing and conditioning, leave conditioner on extensions for at least 15 min before rinsing. We recommend detangling once a week, combing from the ends to the wefts in small sections. Coming or brushing from the wefts first will result in shedding. If you have purchased any lace products, understand that each hair is hand-tied making these units fragile. Bleaching knots jeopardizes the integrity and length of usage and may cause shedding and balding. Extensions that have been colored require extra specially care. Develop a nightly routine with extensions to ensure they stay full and tangle free. Try a wrap with a silk scarf, tuck under a silk bonnet, or braid in plaits. Always sleep on a silk pillow case. We recommend drenching your extensions in conditioner prior to any water activities. Braid or ponytail extensions prior to any water activities to prevent tangling and matting. Chlorine is a very harsh chemical and will strip your extensions causing them to tangle. After use of extensions, always wash, conditions, and detangle. Store in a cool dry place with air to breathe to prevent moisture, mildew and or mold.